
Books by NAK Ernest


Identity by NAKErnest

Identity - The Inspiration To Being Yourself

Format :


Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

In Stock

1. Who am I really in Christ?
2. Am I both the old and the new self?
3. What about the flesh and sin?
4. Did Jesus come to solve a sin problem?
5. Why do I still struggle with sin?
6. What about losing my salvation?
This and many other questions are answered in this amazing Free E-book by NAK Ernest. Yes, it’s free. It’s my way of saying thank you for all your support over the years. This book will turn your whole christianity around, and inspire you to celebrate your freedom in Christ, as you live your true identity in Christ.


Yes! The answer God always gives to prayer

Format :

Ebook & Paperback

Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

In Stock

This book will open your eyes to the truth that God indeed hears your prayer and answers them just as the Bible says. You will be amazed to learn that God does not answer YES, NO and WAIT. His answer to His children has always been YES. It is not about what we do, but what Christ did for us. His death and resurrection was a YES to everything we will ever need. It is too late for us to be refused what has already been given.

Rooted In Christ

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Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

Out of Stock

In this classic book, Ernest teaches on how being rooted in Christ can benefit you and consolidate your place in Heaven. Using an agricultural analogy, the subject is even made more interesting and relevant to every kind of reader.

Overcoming Satanic Strategies

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Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

Out of Stock

In an exciting and very captivating manner, this book brings out five main schemes the devil uses to keep us in predicaments. Though glaring, many cannot see these schemes, as the devil executes them subtly and strategically. Through this book, you will appreciate satan’s deceptive means of carrying out his agenda on the children of God, and how to overcome them as you live victoriously.

The Qualities Of A Giver

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Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

Out of Stock

​”Giving is a HEART thing and not a HARD thing. We say it is hard because we have made it a wealth thing.”​ This book will challenge you to develop the right attitude towards giving. Reading it will introduce you to the realm where giving will be a blessing to you and your generations.

Moving Forward

Format :


Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

In Stock

In this remarkable book, Ernest challenges those who are doing well to do better, while inspiring those in stagnation for any reason to move forward and rise to the next level. Through the pages of this book, you will discover that there is another level to where you are now; your eyes will be opened to the fact that your complacency is an abuse of all the gifts and abilities God has endowed you with, and you will realize that your past could actually be used as a resource to progress instead of a situation that retards your dreams.

The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ

Format :


Author :

Ps. NAK Ernest

publishing date :


Availabilty :

Out of Stock

This is a well researched book, and every chapter contains a wealth of information, wisdom, and direction for the modern world. It will save you from apostasy, false doctrine, false prophecies and false ministers. It will inspire you to righteousness and set you up for Jesus Second Coming.

We spread the gospel of grace to people in every part of the world through our flagship event, “The Grace Campaign” and the media (print, broadcast, social and the internet).

Identity by NAKErnest